Thursday, July 8, 2010


So apparently Ava has taken to wearing her shirts backwards.  Every time we ask her to get dressed, the shirt always ends up the wrong way.  We say, "Your shirt is backwards."  "Ya, that's how I like it," she says.  Okay.  Whatever.  Well, the other day when she did it, I decided it may be a good idea!  She can wear it backwards half the day--eat snacks, lunch, get it dirty, etc.  Then after nap time, she can turn it around and WAH-LAH!  She has on a brand new clean shirt!  Sort of.  Obviously this will only happen when we are at home.  Not in public.


  1. At least its not her underwear lol

  2. Ok, having issues logging in to comment, let's try this again (for the 4th time)

    Phases are fun! Just deem it backwards day and have everyone at school ;) LOL!!!
