Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sick Babies

Oh, what a wonderful few days we have had! 
Can you hear my sarcasm? 
Brecken began getting sick on Wednesday (should have known--he was SO whiney on Tuesday!) and when Erick took him to the doctor on Thursday, we found out he had an ear infection.  He slept awful on Wednesday night--up, down, up, down.  It wasn't fun.  He slept a little better on Thursday, so we thought things were looking up.  And then Friday came.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  It was bad.  He wouldn't stay asleep at all.  I took him for a ride in the car from about 12:30-1:00 in the morning and he slept.  When I got him home, he slept for about 15 more minutes in his carseat, and then was up again.  Screaming.  Crying.  It was just fabulous.  I would get him settled, he'd fall asleep and I would just hold him, thinking that if I laid him down he would just wake up again.  So we did this (up, down, up, down) until 3am and by then I was done.  Wow, was I done.  He fell asleep again, I laid him down and he slept until 7.  So, he pretty much got four hours of sleep that night.  And didn't nap much the next day.  But he slept awesome last night!  Woohoo!  We all feel rested. 
In the mean time, my mom watched the kids for a while yesterday while Erick and I went to a new members class at church.  We both felt hungover while we were there, because we were just so exhausted.  But we're members now! :)  While my mom babysat, she took some pictures, so some of the pics you'll see are from her (You'll be able to tell which ones because she has an awesome camera.  And I don't.).  She said the kids were wonderful.  Ava was so sweet and loving and cuddly.  Huh?  What?  Yes, that's right, folks.  Ava is now sick.  She was running a 102 temp last night.  Not that our little girl isn't a spoonful of sugar, but...well, she isn't usually THAT loving and sweet unless she is sick.  Mom said she should have known! :)
Nanny let Brecken play with the straws. 

He knows he's not supposed to be doing this.

Tired baby

Deciding what he wants for lunch

Chapped lips and not feeling well

B wants to cuddle with Daddy and Ava

Standing close to the humidifier to clear up his nose

Ava being nice and playing with Brecken

B-man is getting better
 So the point of this is that we now have two sick kiddos.  But at least B-man is on the mend and Ava is super nice and following all of our directions.     

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