Wednesday, August 3, 2011

SaLe! SaLe!

Next month I will be putting my kiddos clothes (the ones that don't fit anymore) and toys (the ones they don't play with anymore) into a consignment sale.  They are a few around town, but lately I've been putting my fabulous things into the Rhea Lana Sale.  I really like it because all three times that I have consigned with Rhea Lana, it's been so easy to drop off my things, put them away and pick them up.  I also LOVE the online aspect of it.  After I tag everything, I enter all prices and descriptions online.  When I drop off my items, they give me labels with my info already printed on them and I can just put the labels on the tags.  Each tag has a barcode, so as things sell, I can watch my $$$ online.  It actually gets a little addictive! :)
As I am going through things and hanging them up, I am so excited to clear a ton of these clothes out of here--and make money off of them!  But it also makes me a little sad when I see the teeny tiny pieces of clothing.  Here are a few pics I took of my things I have ready at this point.  I have about four or five more tubs of clothes to hang!  I will definitely be taking over the entire basement.   

The beginning of hanging clothes...

So cute winter outfit that was Brecken's.

Ava wore this over Christmas.  She looked adorable!

Another one of B's outfits.  This was one of my favorites.

More of B's stuff.

Ava's coats...the green and pink one is my favorite and there is a hat to match!  So flipping fabulous!
If you have kid stuff, furniture, or maternity things you would like to get rid of, you should consign!  You get more money than you would at a garage sale and I love buying my kids' clothes there.  Whatever money I make, I spend on my kids for the next two seasons.  Love it!    



  1. When you go shopping, you should take me with you.

  2. Hi Heather! I found your blog through my mom (Mary Brownfield). This consignment sounds awesome, and I have a TON of stuff to get rid of. Thanks for suggesting it. I did see that they offer referral incentives. Please feel free to use my name as a referral for yourself.

    Liz Jahnke
