Friday, March 2, 2012

I Speak for the Trees!

"I speak for the trees!"

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  I made Lorax hats with my firsties today and I made a couple of extra for my own precious kiddos.  Don't they look adorable?  Ava is staying the night with Mimi tonight and they went to the movie.  Hope they enjoyed themselves!

We've had a busy week with...well, I guess with just life, in general.  Work, work, more work taking Ava to gymnastics, taking B-man to the doctor, etc.  Erick took B to the doctor this week because his cough just would not go away and we got very concerned when he just coughed all. night. long.  Then when we got him out of bed the next morning, we saw he had thrown up at one point and we didn't even know. :(  Erick was getting ready to take the Littles to school and B had another coughing attack and vomited again.  So, he had a chest x-ray which was not very clear...a little viral pneumonia.  So along with getting antibiotics for that, he also got a little cough medicine and a breathing treatment kit.  Dr. S is leaning toward asthma for B-man.  The breathing treatments have definitely helped, along with the other meds.  So, we'll just see how it goes I guess.  It's always something, right?  Never a dull moment with children.

I know I am rather late on this, but I do have to add some Valentine's Day pictures of what we made for the Littles to take to school to share...
Taking the wrappers off crayons.

Even B started helping!

Heart crayons for their friends at school.

Cupcakes for Ava's class

Didn't even take a pic of the awful looking, but very yummy cookies we made for B's class.
 Oh, and just a couple more pictures!  Last weekend after church, B fell asleep on the way home and he continued sleeping in the chair while I got put clean sheets on his bed.  SO cute.

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