Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fun with Little Jack

My friend, Ashley, had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago (16 days to be exact) and little Lia was born with a heart condition called Tetrology of Fallot.  They have already had a long journey and there is more to come.  Lia was at Wesley for a few days in Wichita and while Ashley and her hubs were spending time there, Jack, their little boy, was hanging out with grandparents.  Since we didn't have school last Friday, Jack got to come over to our house to play with Ava and Brecken for a while before his daddy picked him up so they could meet Lia in Kansas City. 
Jack was a little timid at first...but who wouldn't be with B-man in his face trying to show him every single toy in the playroom?  He did warm up and have fun though!  The three of them played for quite a while (coloring, making Easter cards, playing with cars, etc.), we had pizza for lunch, they played more, then I put Brecken down for a nap.  We blew up the air mattress and Ava and Jack got to lay on it and watch cartoons while they rested.  The kids had fun with little Jack and it was nice to have someone over to keep them busy! :)

If you want to know more about little Lia and her heart, you can follow Ashley's blog at  She needs your prayers! 

Here are a few pictures I took of the kiddos during their playdate. 


Okay, Jack looks scared in this one.  Ashley, if you see this...he was perfectly fine.  Honestly, I think he was trying to annoy me because I kept asking him to smile for the camera.  :)  I still think it's a cute picture though!

1 comment:

  1. Just looked at these pics of Jack again...for like the 4th time! Thanks for posting this.
