Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Day

The Littles were so excited about Christmas morning so they could see what Santa brought for them.  Under the tree, they found gifts from us, their stockings full of fun stuff, slippers, books and a pretend cake from Santa.  Later, they found a note from Santa telling them that he couldn't fit all of their gifts under the tree and that he had put a couple of things in the playroom.  They followed a trail of ribbon to to find them.  Fun stuff!

We spent Christmas day playing and then went to my mom's house in the afternoon. It was great to see everyone!  I didn't get many pictures but here are a few! 

 Oh, and back to the whole Brecken-coughing-thing...I took him to the doctor the day after Christmas and it turned out to be pneumonia.  Great, huh?  That little man always gets sick--poor guy!  He was given a 10 day antibiotic and we were told to do about five breathing treatments a day with two different medicines.  He was up and down all night for about five nights and is just now starting to sleep better (as I write this on New Years Eve).  He is still coughing, but definitely not as bad and he is ornery as ever! :) 

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