Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sweet Breckie!

"Breckie" is the nickname that Ava gave you very quickly.
Happy first birthday, Brecken.  B-man.  Breckie.
I can't believe how time has flown since I found out we were going to have a baby boy!  So much has happened!  I remember when Daddy and I were getting the sonogram done and the tech said it was a boy.  We knew your name would be Brecken.
You have grown so fast!  I love watching you learn.  Waving goodbye.  Saying "Ava"---which is what you say way more often than "mama" or "dada".  Throwing your little red-headed temper tantrums, which are cute now, but probably not later.  Walking and laying on top of Val, whom some know to be our very patient cat.
You have made our family such a wonderful, sweet place to be.  I hope you will someday know how much you mean to me.  To us.
I love you more than I ever thought possible, B.  Happy Birthday!

Car from Nana and Papa

Might like the box better.

Cute little business man

Ava helping Brecken open his present from her.

Fun in the new sandbox!

Very content.

Birthday dinner

New truck from Ava.

Best buds!

And again