Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Sleepover and Some Dinosaurs

We had a little sleepover last night and the cousins played and played their little hearts out. I don't think the last eyes were shut until about 10:45. The next morning, we were treated by Mimi to a trip to Exploration Place to play and see the dinosaur exhibit. We had a great time! Shortly after leaving, B-man was out like a light. Guess he needs to do some catching up on his sleep. After nap, the Littles had swim lessons and then we had dinner with Nana and Papa.
At the moment it is super quiet in the house and after I finish this post, I am going to do a little work and watch whatever I want on television. Or read. Or do laundry. I don't know.
Playing dress-up. This is supposed to be a "sassy" look

B-man played dress-up while the girls were in the shower. He said, "I be a pretty princess too, Mommy."

The morning after the sleepover. Found B drinking the syrup and telling me when need to go to the store and get more.

On the way to Exploration Place


Brecken was not to fond of the dinosaurs. I think they were a little too real looking for him.

Digging for fossils

Dr. von Merveldt...Pretending to be a vet and taking care of the animals.

Water play!

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